Bernardo Aguilera
Canadian Institutes of Health Research: “Harnessing the health services priority setting lessons learnt during the COVID-19 pandemic to inform routine health services priority setting: An international comparative analysis” 2024-2028 (Co-investigator)
Fondecyt Iniciación No. 11200897, ANID, Chile. Project: "Grounds and degrees of moral status from a welfare perspective" 2020-2023 (Principal Investigator)
Mcmaster Covid-19 Research Fund, Canada. Project: “The Impact of priority setting on pandemic preparedness and response: A Global comparative analysis of the role of priority setting and equity during the COVID-19 pandemic” 2020-2021 (Colaborator)
Internal Research Fund 2017, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile. Project: “Estatus Moral: indagación en las capacidades psicológicas constitutivas del concepto ético de persona” 2017-2018 (Principal Investigator).
Medical Ethics
- Conceptual precisions on the so-called 'last bed dilemma' (In Spanish) Revista Médica de Chile, Vol.149 no.10 (2022). Letter to the editor.
Ethical allocation of scarce health care resources in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. Medwave, 2020.
The sun is shining on the South: advocacy and regulation of conflicts of interest in Chile. BMJ Opinon, 2019. Co-authored with Juan Carlos Almonte and Rodrigo Irarrázabal.
Partial disclosure of information in the presence of presumable nocebo effects: an ethical analysis (in Spanish). Revista Médica de Chile. Vol.146 no.4 (2018). Co-authored with Juan Pablo Beca
Do doctors have a moral duty to work in the public health sector? Ethical considerations regarding the social obligations of medicine. Medwave, 2018. Co-authored with Gonzalo López
Research Ethics
Ethical standards for research involving persons with mental disabilities pursuant to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: a proposal (in Spanish). Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública (2024). Co-authored with Sarah Carracedo and Renato Constantino.
Global health reciprocal innovation: ethical, legal and regulatory considerations. BMJ Global Health (2024). Co-authored with Annette Rid et al.
Research ethics systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: a systemic assessment using indicators. The Lancet Global Health (2022). Co-authored with Carla Saenz, Sarah Carracedo.
Fifteen years of the human research law: pending challenges (In Spanish). Revista Médica de Chile. Vol.149 no.10 (2022). Letter to the editor.
Trends in clinical research in Chile. Revista Médica de Chile Vol. 149, no. 1 (2021).
Regulating international clinical research: An ethical framework for policy-makers. BMJ Global Health 2020. Co-authored with David DeGrazia and Annette Rid.
Ethics, law and the regulation of biomedical research in Chile (in Spanish). Revista Bioética, 28(2) 2020. Co-authored with Gonzalo López, Bernardita Portales, Marcela Reyes, Joaquín Vrsalovic.
Priority setting
Stakeholder participation in the COVID-19 pandemic preparedness and response plans: A synthesis of findings from 70 countries. Health Policy 140, (2024). o-authored with Kapiriri L., et al.
Priority setting in times of crises: an analysis of priority setting for the COVID-19 response in the Western Pacific Region. Health Policy 142, (2024). o-authored with Kapiriri L., et al.
A global comparative analysis of the inclusion of priority setting in national COVID-19 pandemic plans: A reflection on the methods and the accessibility of the plans. Health Policy 141, (2024). o-authored with Kapiriri L., et al.
How did European countries set health priorities in response to the COVID-19 threat? A comparative document analysis of 24 pandemic preparedness plans across the EURO region. Health Policy 141, (2024). o-authored with Kapiriri L., et al.
A global comparative analysis of the criteria and equity considerations included in Eighty-six National COVID-19 plans. Health Policy 140, (2024). o-authored with Kapiriri L., et al.
Was priority setting included in the Canadian COVID-19 pandemic planning and preparedness? A comparative analysis of COVID-19 pandemic plans from eight provinces and three territories. Health Policy, 133, p.104817 (2023). Co-authored with Kapiriri L., et al.
Examining priority setting in the National COVID-19 pandemic plans: a case study from countries in the WHO-South-East Asia Region (WHO-SEARO). Health Policy Open, 3, 100086 (2022). Co-authored with Vélez CM., et al.
Priority setting for pandemic preparedness and response: A comparative analysis of COVID-19 pandemic plans in 12 countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Health Policy Open, 100084. Co-authored with Razavi D., et al.
An analysis of how health systems integrated priority-setting in the pandemic planning in a sample of Latin America and the Caribbean countries. Health Research Policy and Systems, 20, 58 (2022). Co-authored with Vélez CM., et al.
Animal Ethics
Is It Time to Phase Out the Use of All Nonhuman Primates in Invasive Research? In Handbook of Bioethical Decisions. Volume I. Collaborative Bioethics, vol 2. Springer, Cham. Co-authored with Javiera Perez Gomez.
The debate on banning or severely restricting primate research. Lessons and strategies (in Spanish). Revista de Bioetica y Derecho (2022). Co-authored with Javiera Farga.
Should biomedical research with great apes be restricted? A systematic review of reasons. BMC Medical Ethics (2021). Co-authored with Javiera Perez Gomez and David DeGrazia.
Commentary: Should the Belmont Report be extended to animal research? Cambridge Quarterly for Healthcare Ethics, 2020. Co-authored with David Wendler.
Moral status and the concept of personhood. In Animal ethics: Empirical and theoretical perspectives on our relation to other animal species (in Spanish). Editorial Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Madrid, Spain), 2019.
The use of animals for biomedical research (Co-authored with Alberto Lecaros). In Animal ethics: Empirical and theoretical perspectives on our relation to other animal species (in Spanish). Editorial Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Madrid, Spain), 2019.
Philosophy of Mind
Non-reflective consciousness and our moral duties to non-reflective animals. Revista de Filosofia Aurora, 2024.
Nonconscious pain, suffering, and moral status Neuroethics, 2020.
On the contribution of philosophy to the theories of concepts in cognitive science (in Spanish) Revista de Filosofía, 2018. Co-authored with Bernardo Pino.
Machery's alternative to concepts and the problem of content Erkenntnis, 2018. Co-authored with Bernardo Pino.
Information and sustaining mechanisms in Fodor's theory of content. Universum, 2016.
The relation between language and thought according to the ‘rewiring hypothesis’ of Bermúdez (In Spanish). Revista de Filología y Lingüística, 2015.
Behavioural explanation in the realm of non-mental computing agents. Minds and Machines, 2015, 25(1): 37-56.
Review of Rational Causation, by Eric Marcus. Reason Papers: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Normative Studies, 2013.
Is Perception Representational? Tyler Burge on Perceptual Functions. In P. Hanna (Ed.), An Anthology of Philosophical Studies, Vol.7: 59-71. Athens: ATINER, 2013.
“Do Honeybees Have Concepts?. Disputatio, 2011.

Animal ethics: Empirical and theoretical perspectives on our relation to other animal species (in Spanish). Co-edited with Alberto Lecaros and Erick Valdés. Editorial Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Madrid, Spain)