Bernardo Aguilera
Ph.D. in Philosophy. University of Sheffield. 2009-2013
M.A. in Cognitive Studies. Universidad de Chile. 2004-2008
B.A. in Philosophy. Universidad de Chile. 2005-2009
Medical Degree. Universidad de Chile. 1997-2003
Post-doctoral Fellowship, Department of Bioethics, National Institutes of Health, USA. 2018-2020
āTwo-year fellowship that includes training and experience in clinical bioethics, ethics consultation and IRB deliberations. I also carried out mentored research on neuroethics, animal ethics and research ethics.
Teaching experience
Universidad San Sebastián
- Basic Fundamentals of Medicine (Course Coordinator; for 1st year MD students)
- Bioethics. 2021-3 (Course Coordinator, for PhD students)
Universidad de Chile
Clinical Bioethics. 2020-21 (Course Coordinator; for MA in Bioethics students).
Bioethics. 2015-18 (Seminar for 2nd year MD students; Course Coordinator in 2018)
Clinical Ethics. First Semester 2015-17 (Seminar for 3rd year MD students)
Universidad del Desarrollo
MA in Bioethics. 2017 (Teaching and supervisor of 2 thesis).
Bioethics. 2017 (Course Coordinator, for 1st year MD students).
Ethics. 2016-17 (Seminar for first year students from Health-related degrees)
Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Epistemology. 2015 (Course Coordinator; for 3rd year Philosophy students)
The University of Sheffield (Teaching Assistant)
PHI 126: Mind, Brain and Personal Identity. 2010 (Course for 1st year Philosophy students)
PHI 115: Reason and Argument. 2011(Course for 1st year Philosophy students)
PHI 121: Knowledge, Justification and Doubt. 2012 (Course for 1st year Philosophy students)
Clinical experience
2013- 16: General Practitioner, in the Primary Care Center ‘Felix de Amesti’, Macul, Santiago, Chile.
2006- 09: General Practitioner, in the Primary Care Center for Students at the University of Chile (SEMDA), Santiago, Chile
General Practitioner, in Emergency Care in:
SAPU Santa Julia, Macul (2015)
Assisting operations of the National Plan for Humanitarian Demining, Arica, Chile (2009)
AtencioĢn MeĢdica TelefoĢnica en HELP SA (2004-6)
SAPU Santa Anita, Lo Prado (2004)